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Highland Dancing

Dancers: 2024 Highland Dancing Competition signup at  eventbrite


Highland Dancing provides participants the opportunity to gain poise, self-confidence, stage presence, ethnic tradition, uniqueness, self-discipline, aerobic exercise, lifelong friendships and a variety of other positive benefits.    Dancers need not be of Scottish heritage to participate.


Many of the Highland Dances trace their beginnings to times of war and were performed by the Scottish soldiers.  The Sword Dance is the prediction dance, said to have been done prior to battle.  It was believed that if the soldier touched or displaced the sword in any way it was a bad omen.  The Highland Fling is the victory dance done on the “targe“ (shield) of the defeated warrior.  The Sean Triubhas came about in the rebellion of 1745 when the English forbid the Scots to wear their kilts.  This dance represents the repeal of the act and the return to wearing the free flowing, beloved kilt. 


Join us at the Reuel Zielke Highland Dance Stage in the Expo Center for Primary, Beginner and Novice events on Saturday morning and Intermediate and Premier events on Saturday afternoon.  At the conclusion of the morning dancing and prior to the beginning of the afternoon dancing we will feature solo choreography, where the dancers create their own steps, select their own music, and come up with their own costuming.  Competition will resume on Sunday morning for all levels – Primary through Premier.



Wisconsin Scottish, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the traditional arts, crafts, culture, heritage and traditions of the British Isles through educational activities and the production of our annual Wisconsin Highland Games. The Wisconsin Highland Games and our benefit concerts provide a forum for traditional artists and athletes, both professional and amateur, to inform, educate, entertain and compete, helping create an environment where their arts and abilities may be widely appreciated.


Wisconsin Scottish, Inc. | P.O. Box 270292   West Allis, Wisconsin 53227 USA | E-mail us at:


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